Quentin Wall, “Duolingo”

The words we speak do not always line up perfectly with the messages we wish to be heard. Similarly, we can use words and phrases that can be perceived as rude or hurtful without any real attempt at causing hurt, and have that meaning be instantly and clearly understood. But there are times when we miss hidden meanings in the language of those around us. Cries for help, requests for companionship, friendly interactions, all go missed and slip through the cracks of our everyday conversations. This project examines the language we use in our everyday lives and offers the reader a chance to look at some of language they hear everyday and ask themselves if they are deciphering the hidden meanings that lie just under the surface. 

My project is designed to feel homemade and personal. Almost a journal of hidden meanings to help aid in future conversations. The digital portion of this project is designed to highlight the loss of understanding that can come about in daily conversation. Words zip past our ears and out of our thoughts but the more time we spend questioning the hidden meanings of our language the more we can understand one another.

The objective of this book is not to answer the “why”. Hidden meanings will always be present in our language, answering why does not bring us closer to understanding what we are really saying to each other. Rather, the goal of this book is to have readers question and observe hidden meanings in the language they use and experience every day and being a thought process that might lead to better understanding of everyday interactions.  

To view the digital content of “Duolingo,”click on this hyperlink.